.. _embedding: How to Add Hypothesis to Your Website ===================================== .. If you update this page, please ensure you update the "For Publishers" page on the Hypothesis website, or coordinate with someone who can (https://hypothes.is/for-publishers/). To add Hypothesis to your website, just add this one line to the HTML source of each page that you want to have the Hypothesis client on: .. code-block:: html Enabling annotation of iframed content -------------------------------------- The simplest way to support annotation of iframed content is to add the above script tag to the document displayed in the iframe. This will display the sidebar in the iframe itself. Additionally Hypothesis has limited support for enabling annotation of iframed content while showing the sidebar in the top-level document where Hypothesis was initially loaded. To use this: 1. Add the above script tag to the top-level document 2. Do not add the script tag to the iframed documents themselves, the client will do this itself. 3. Opt iframes into annotation by adding the "enable-annotation" attribute: .. code-block:: html This method *only* works for iframes which are direct children of the top-level document and have the same origin. The client will watch for new iframes being added to the document and will automatically enable annotation for them.