Code style ========== This section contains some code style guidelines for the different programming languages used in the project. Python ------ Follow `PEP 8 `_, the linting tools below can find PEP 8 problems for you automatically. Docstrings `````````` All public modules, functions, classes, and methods should normally have docstrings. See `PEP 257 `_ for general advice on how to write docstrings (although we don't write module docstrings that describe every object exported by the module). The ``pep257`` tool (which is run by ``prospector``, see below) can point out PEP 257 violations for you. It's good to use Sphinx references in docstrings because they can be syntax highlighted and hyperlinked when the docstrings are extracted by Sphinx into HTML documentation, and because Sphinx can print warnings for references that are no longer correct: * Use `Sphinx Python cross-references `_ to reference other Python modules, functions etc. from docstrings (there are also Sphinx domains for referencing objects from other programming languages, such as `JavaScript `_). * Use `Sphinx info field lists `_ to document parameters, return values and exceptions that might be raised. * You can also use `reStructuredText `_ to add markup (bold, code samples, lists, etc) to docstrings. Linting ``````` We use `Flake8 `_ for linting Python code. Lint checks are run as part of our continuous integration builds and can be run locally using ``make backend-lint``. You may find it helpful to use a flake8 plugin for your editor to get live feedback as you make changes. Automated code formatting ````````````````````````` Hypothesis projects use `Black `_ for automated code formatting. Formatting is checked as part of continuous integration builds and can be run locally using ``make format``. You may find it helpful to use a Black plugin for your editor to enable automated formatting as you work. Additional reading `````````````````` * Although we don't strictly follow all of it, the `Google Python Style Guide `_ contains a lot of good advice. Front-end Development --------------------- See the `Hypothesis Front-end Toolkit`_ repository for documentation on code style and tooling for JavaScript, CSS and HTML. We use `ESLint `_ for linting front-end code. Use ``make frontend-lint`` to run ESlint locally. You may find it helpful to install an ESLint plugin for your editor to get live feedback as you make changes. .. _Hypothesis Front-end Toolkit: