ADR 1: PostgreSQL persistence for annotations ============================================= Context ------- The annotations stored by the Hypothesis web service are arguably its most critical data. Until now they have been stored in an Elasticsearch index, primarily as a result of historical accident (this is how `annotator-store`_, which was originally intended as a demonstrator application, stored annotations). Alongside, we store "document metadata" which describes relationships between different URIs, as scraped from metadata within annotated pages. While storing annotation data directly in Elasticsearch makes for a very simple JSON API (data is passed essentially unaltered by the web application straight to Elasticsearch) it has a number of disadvantages, including: 1. The persistence guarantees made by Elasticsearch are weak relative to most databases, and while many `data loss bugs`_ have been fixed, it is not unreasonable to have ongoing concerns about durability of data in Elasticsearch. 2. The lack of database-enforced schema validation means that maintaining data validity becomes an application-layer concern. The fact that Elasticsearch also lacks transactional write capabilities makes certain kinds of validation checks nearly impossible to implement correctly. 3. Serving as both primary persistence store and search index causes tension between the desire to keep data normalised (to simplify the process of ensuring data consistency), and to keep data in a format suitable for efficient search, which usually implies denormalisation. 4. As requirements for search and query change, it is desirable to be able to iterate on the format of the search index. When the search index is also the primary data store, this introduces additional risks which typically deter or at least increase the cost of such iteration. 5. Lastly, making changes to the internal schema of annotation data in Elasticsearch requires the creation of custom in-house data migration tools. In contrast, most relational database systems have established schema and data migration libraries available. .. _annotator-store: .. _data loss bugs: Decision -------- We will migrate all annotation data, and all associated document metadata, into a PostgreSQL database, which will serve as the primary data store for such data. We will continue to use Elasticsearch as a search index, but the data stored within will be "ephemeral" -- that is, we will always be able to regenerate it from data stored in PostgreSQL. The internal schemas of the data stored in PostgreSQL will be designed to simplify data manipulation while ensuring self-consistency. We will build appropriate tools to ensure that the Elasticsearch index is kept up-to-date as data in the PostgreSQL database changes. Status ------ Accepted. Consequences ------------ These changes will make it easier and safer to iterate on the internal schemas of annotation storage, thanks to improved migration tooling for PostgreSQL and the presence of transactional updates. They will also make it easier and safe to iterate on the format of the search index used to search annotations, thanks to the ephemeral nature of the data in the search index. The potential future minimal requirements for a program which reuses the code which serves our "annotation API" now include PostgreSQL.