Accessing the admin interface ----------------------------- To access the admin interface, a user must be logged in and have admin permissions. To grant admin permissions to a user, first create a user, or use an existing one, and then promote that user to be an ``admin``: **Create the user (if needed)** .. code-block:: bash tox -qe dev -- sh bin/hypothesis --dev user add This will prompt you to enter the user's #. unique name #. unique email address #. password Once you have entered that information, then you may promote the user to ``admin``. **Promote to admin level** .. note:: Replace ```` with the value you entered in the previous step or appropriate user's name. .. code-block:: bash tox -qe dev -- sh bin/hypothesis --dev user admin When this user signs in they can now access the administration panel at ``/admin``. The administration panel has options for managing users and optional features.